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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’s Regular Press Conference on September 19, 2024

2024-09-19 22:01

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the UN Summit of the Future and the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly as the special representative of President Xi Jinping from September 22 to 28. During that week, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend events hosted by China, including events to promote the Global Development Initiative and enhance international cooperation on AI, and multilateral events including the Security Council High Level Open Debate, the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting and the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting. He will also meet with the UN Secretary-General, the President of the 79th session of the General Assembly, and foreign ministers or heads of delegation of relevant countries.

CCTV: To follow up on your announcement that Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the UN Summit of the Future and the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly as the special representative of President Xi Jinping, what does China expect to achieve through this visit?

Lin Jian: Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi as the special representative of President Xi Jinping will lead a delegation to the UN Summit of the Future and the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. Foreign Minister Wang will fully elaborate on China’s policy and propositions on the current international landscape, global governance and major international and regional issues, and further expound on the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, the Global Civilization Initiative and other important visions.

The Summit of the Future as the most important agenda of the UN this year will have an important impact on the reform of the global governance system and is highly expected by the international community. China hopes that the Summit of the Future will provide important opportunities for the international community to build up political consensus, enhance solidarity and collaboration, and jointly respond to challenges. China will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the UN, relevant countries and international organizations, and galvanize efforts in the international community to uphold true multilateralism, make concerted efforts to deal with various global challenges, jointly promote global peace, development and progress, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Kyodo News: The Japanese Consulate-General in Guangzhou released information today, saying that the boy stabbed in Shenzhen yesterday has died. How does the Chinese government see the incident? What is the motive of the male assailant? (Similar question from Bloomberg)

Lin Jian: We regret and are saddened by this tragic incident. We mourn for the passing of the boy and our hearts go out to his family. The boy is a Japanese national, and his father and mother are Japanese citizen and Chinese citizen respectively. After the attack, the boy was immediately sent to hospital, and Guangdong Province sent medical experts to rescue him with all-out efforts. The Chinese side will provide necessary assistance to his family in handling related matters. The case is still under investigation and relevant authorities of China will handle it in accordance with law.

Nikkei: In June this year, an innocent preschool-age Japanese boy was targeted in a knife attack in Suzhou. At that time, the spokesperson commented it was an isolated incident. Is yesterday’s incident also isolated? (Similar question from Anadolu Agency)

Lin Jian: According to what we know so far, this is an individual case.  Similar cases may happen in any country. We regret and are saddened by this tragic incident. China upholds the rule of law. The Chinese government never allows any illegal or violent activities and will conduct investigation into the case and bring the criminal to justice in accordance with law. China has and will continue taking effective measures to protect the safety of all foreigners in China.

Nikkei: Two cases of Japanese children in China being stabbed have happened in a short period of time. This has caused much shock and repercussions in Japan. How do you see the impact of the incidents on Japan-China relations?

Lin Jian: This is an individual case. China and Japan are in communication on the case. We always welcome people from all countries, including Japan, to travel, study, do business and live in China. We will continue taking effective measures to protect the safety of foreigners in China. We believe individual cases will not affect the exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan.

China Daily: We noted that the Foreign Ministry today released the Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Can you give us more details on that?

Lin Jian: Today, changes unseen in a century are unfolding at an accelerated pace, and the world has entered a period of turbulence and transformation. The Summit of the Future and the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly will provide important opportunities for the international community to build up political consensus, enhance solidarity and collaboration, and jointly respond to challenges.

The Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China for the Summit of the Future and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly fully elaborates on China’s position and propositions on peace and security, sustainable development, human rights protection, exchanges between civilizations, scientific and technological innovation, and global governance reform. It calls on the international community to jointly deliver on the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China stands ready to work with all parties to practice true multilateralism and make new contribution to world peace and development.

The Paper: On September 18 local time, the 10th UNGA emergency special session adopted a resolution with a vote of 124 nations in favor and 14 against, with 43 abstentions. The resolution calls for Israel to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory no later than 12 months. China voted in favor while the US and Israel against. This is also the first time that the State of Palestine tabled a resolution draft at the UNGA as a Permanent Observer State at the UN. What’s China’s comments?

Lin Jian: China welcomes and appreciates the adoption by an overwhelming margin of the resolution draft on the advisory opinion concerning Israel’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory at the UNGA emergency special session. China supports the draft and voted in favor, and hopes that it will be fully implemented.

It has been almost a year since the ongoing conflict in Gaza broke out. Despite the four emergency special sessions on the question of Palestine held at the UNGA, the four resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the ICJ orders on provisional measures, and the repeated strong call of the international community for a ceasefire, the fighting is still raging in Gaza and casualties of innocent civilians skyrocket every day, causing a severe humanitarian disaster.

Ending the occupation is not an option, but an obligation; ending the fighting is not just the appeal of one country, but international consensus. Implementing the two-State solution is the only viable way to resolve the question of Palestine. Relevant parties, especially Israel, need to earnestly implement the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, cease the military operations in Gaza without delay, and stop the illegal settlement activities in the West Bank. Relevant country needs to show a responsible attitude and take concrete actions to promote the implementation of relevant UN resolutions. China will continue to stand on the side of peace and justice and stand with the majority of countries, closely communicate with other parties, play a positive and constructive role in promoting a ceasefire, easing the humanitarian crisis, and restoring peace and stability in the region, and work for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine at an early date.

AFP: The US Justice Department yesterday accused the Chinese government of an attempted cyberattack targeting 200,000 devices worldwide. What’s the Ministry’s comment on this?

Lin Jian: I’m not familiar with the specifics you mentioned. Let me say more broadly that China firmly opposes various forms of cyberattacks, and at the same time opposes groundless accusation and smear against China. We urge the US to stop making waves in the cyber space, act as a responsible major country, step up dialogue and cooperation with the international community, and jointly respond to cybersecurity risks.

Hubei Media Group: It’s reported that on September 17, several terrorist attacks took place in Bamako, the capital of Mali, leaving many dead or injured. What’s China’s comment?

Lin Jian: We mourn for the victims, and extend sympathies to the injured and the bereaved families. We oppose acts of terrorism in any form.

Anadolu Agency: Communication devices used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon were exploded by remote control in a seemingly organized attack. More than 30 casualties and 3,000 injuries were reported so far. What’s China’s comment about the incident?

Lin Jian: China is following closely the relevant incident. We oppose any act that infringes on Lebanon’s sovereignty and security and express concerns over possible escalation of tensions in the region that this incident might trigger. China calls on relevant parties to earnestly safeguard peace and stability in the Middle East.

Reuters: Reuters reported today that the United States has no immediate plans to withdraw a mid-range missile system deployed in the Philippines, despite Chinese demands, and it is also testing the feasibility of the missiles used in a regional conflict. It is the Typhon system and it can be equipped with cruise missiles capable of striking Chinese targets. It was brought in for joint exercises between the US and the Philippines this year but has remained there. What is MOFA’s comment on this?

Lin Jian: China is seriously concerned about the relevant reports. On the US deployment of Mid-Range Capability missile system in the Philippines, China has made clear our opposition more than once. The deployment is a move to turn back the wheel of history. It gravely threatens regional countries’ security, incites geopolitical confrontation, and has aroused high vigilance and concerns of countries in the region. We urge relevant country to heed the call of countries in the region, correct the wrongdoing as soon as possible, stop inciting military confrontation, quickly pull out the missile system as publicly pledged, and avoid going further down the wrong path.

Anadolu Agency: To follow up on the Hezbollah incident, it is understood that pager devices used in the attack were originally produced by a Taiwanese company. The devices have this company’s brand on them. Do you have any information if this company has cooperation with Israel or Mossad?

Lin Jian: I have no information on that.

AFP: The US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell yesterday described China as the top challenge to the US in all of its history. What is the Ministry’s comment on this?

Lin Jian: The US official made these remarks to peddle the “China threat” narrative and advocate bloc confrontation in disregard of facts. They are steeped in Cold-War and zero-sum mentality and ideological bias. China strongly deplores this. The US has viewed the international landscape and identified China-US relations from the perspective of strategic competition, and wrongfully seen China as the “top challenge.” The US is actually projecting its own hegemonic mentality onto other countries, and making a serious misjudgment on China and the China-US relations. This does not serve the fundamental interests of the two peoples, or meet the extensive aspiration of the international community.

China is committed to carrying out friendly cooperation with all countries in the world, and we do not target any third party when developing normal relations with other countries. By contrast, the US has been strengthening its military alliances, patching up small groupings against China, and coercing other countries to choose sides. 

China pursues a defensive national defense policy. We develop finite military capabilities to safeguard national security and we do not target any country. Who is flexing muscles and who is resorting to military means wantonly to solve problems? Facts fully prove that the international community has its fair judgment.

China urges the US to discard its Cold-War and zero-sum mentality, stop spreading the “China threat” narrative, stop misinterpreting China’s strategic intentions, act on President Biden’s “five-noes” commitment, and work with China to uphold mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation, and promote the steady, sound and sustainable development of China-US relations. 

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