Remarks to the media of the Embassy Spokesperson on the Taiwan question |
2022-08-03 13:54 |
Question: US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is currently visiting Southeast Asia and East Asian countries. Some sources say that she might visit Taiwan region of China. How does China see this potential visit? What is China’s position on the Taiwan question? Embassy Spokesperson: The Chinese side has repeatedly expressed our firm objection to the US and international community regarding Pelosi’s attempted visit to Taiwan. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of US House of Representatives, and also the second-in-line of succession of the US President. Her visit to Taiwan, in whatever name and at whatever time, would cause a seriously dangerous provocation against China, and send gravely wrong signals to Taiwan independent forces. It is a serious violation to the One China principle, a serious harm to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, to the peace and stability of cross-strait situation, and to China-US relations, which will lead to severe situation and consequences. There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan region is an indispensable part of China’s territory. The One China principle has become the consensus of the international community, a fundamental basis for international relations, and also the premises and basis for China-US relations. The China-US Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relationsin 1979 clearly stipulates that “The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.” Despite their fake gestures claiming to uphold the One China principle, the US has in reality gone backwards in its actions, and even intentionally sabotages this principle, forcing pressures and provocations against China. The Chinese side could see through their malicious attemptsclearly. The history and reality of the Taiwan question is crystal clear, the truth that people across the strait belong to the same China stands without any doubt. We will never allow anyone to cross this red line, firmly oppose any separatist move towards “Taiwan Independence” and any interference by external forces, and allow no room for “Taiwan Independence” in whatever form. Just as President XiJijnping stressed during his latest call with President Biden, the Chinese Government and people’s position on Taiwan question is consistent and clear. It is the firm determination of 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the motherland. The will of the people must be respected, and playing with fire will eventually backfire. If the US insists on making the visit, China will take firm and strong measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the US has to bear all the serious consequences arising thereof. The Chinese people say it and mean it.
Question: How does China view Qatar's position on the Taiwan question? What does China expect from Qatar in this regard? Embassy Spokesperson: China and Qatar are strategic partners. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Qatar has always adhered to the one-China principle and has always firmly supported China's position on the Taiwan question. In February this year, when His Highness the Amir met with President Xi Jinping in Beijing, His Highness has stressed that Qatar will continue to firmly support China in safeguarding its sovereignty and security. Many Qatari officials have also emphasized when meeting with our embassy, that Qatar's position to the one-China principle will never change. China highly appreciates Qatar’s support. At present, our world is facing drastic changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century. Inflation, climate change, energy and food crises are our common challenges. However the US, with the purpose to maintain its global hegemony, shift the blame for domestic crisesand seek political self-interests, has been instigating division and confrontation, sabotaging peace and stability around the world. Many wise people in the US andaround the world have a very clear picture of this. The US has already messed up in the Middle East and Europe, and now it is attempting to extend its hands to the Asia-Pacific. This fully proves that the US is the biggest source of chaos in international order, the hands behind the scenesamongst global turmoil, and the biggest destructor of regional peace and stability. China calls on the international community, including Qatar, to stand firmly with China, to speak up for safegurading peace and respecting sovereignty, and to oppose unilateral acts that wantonly trample on international law and basic norms governing international relations, as well as activitesthat violates the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries. We shall work together to jointly defend international fairness and justice, so as to safeguard regional and world peace and stability. |